JRPN 15C/16C - Screen Configuration Guide

The calculator's button layout and other screen configuration items can be customized. For example, the button layout in portrait mode could changed - there's no "standard" portrait button layout for these calculators any. The default 6x7 layout can be change to 5x8, to allow a taller and narrower calculator, too. The landscape layout can also be changed, but that would of course mean not being faithful to the original calculator.

In addition, keyboard accelerators can be mapped and/or added. The default keyboard acceleratos aren't standard in any way, and were chosen somewhat arbitrarily, so it could be interesting to re-map them.

To restore the default, simply set the screen configuration to the blank JSON object, "{}".

The JSON file is read into the calculator from Settings, System Settings. On desktop programs you read the JSON from a file; on mobile phones, it's read from the copy/paste buffer. Following is a valid JSON file for the 15C that rearranges the keyboard, and configures other configurable items:

           "accelerators" : {
              "Z" : "N",
              " " : "\n",
              "!" : "lcd_grow",
              "@" : "lcd_shrink",
              "#" : "lcd_window",
              "$" : "internals",
              "%" : "back_panel"
           "accelerator_labels" : {
              "N" : "NZ",
              "\n" : "\u23ce\u2420"
           "portrait" : {
              "buttons" : [
                 [ "N", "A", "B", "C", "D" ],
                 [ "E", "]", "L", "S", "O" ],
                 [ "T", "V", "Y", "\b", "P" ],
                 [ "U", "1", "2", "3", "/" ],
                 [ "[", "4", "5", "6", "X" ],
                 [ "\n", "7", "8", "9", "-" ],
                 [ null, "0", ".", "W", "+" ],
                 [ "F", "G", "H", "M", "R" ]
              "logo" : [ 6.11, 0.19, 0.5, 0.5 ],
              "size" : [ 6.868, 14.0688 ],
              "top_labels" : [
                 [ "CLEAR", 2.914178, 5.557651, 3.303734, 0.22 ],
                 [ "CLEAR", 0.7, 6.926476, 1.039557, 0.22 ]

In thie file, keys are identified by their default primary keyboard accelerator. To find the accelerators, select Settings -> Show Accelerators. Some of the settings have measurements. These are approximately centimeters, when the calculator is sized to about the size of the physical calculator.

Taking the entries in turn:


Defines keyboard accelerator mappings, Each element maps a keystroke to a different keystroke. For example, the first entry maps "Z" to "N", which on the 15C is the accelerator for the on/off button. With this, typing "ZZ" in JRPN will cause the app to quite. The second entry maps the space bar to newline, which is the accelerator for the enter key.

Acceleratos can also map to some functions normally accessed through the menu. The three starting with "lcd_" change the handling of long numbers, where "window" is the 16C name for the default behavior, where the LCD display doesn't grow, and doesn't shrink down digits to fit. "internals" shows the Calculator Internals window, and "back_panel" shows the back panel.


Each entry re-defines the green accelerator label for the given key. For example, the first entry redefines the label for the on botton (identified by "N") to "NZ". This is rendered with N on top of Z, to indicate to the user that both are acceptable accelerators for that key. The second entry redefines enter to have the labels of a unicode symbol for enter, and the unicode space symbol


An object called "portrait" contains a screen layout for portrait mode. If not present, the default layout will be used.


This object gives the keyboard layout. Each key is defined by its primary default accelerator (if a key has two default accelerators, it's the first one). null is used where there should not be a key. The buttons section is mandatory.


This gives the rectangle where the JRPN logo is to be drawn, given in cm as left, top, width and height. If not present, it will be drawn in the default place; for portrait mode, this occupies the lower-right hand corner of the keyboard. To suppress drawing of the logo, specify "[ ]" instead of rectangle coordinates.


This element, if present, changes the size of the calculator, in centimeters. The default size is 12.7x8 or 8x12.7, depending on orientation. The calculator's graphical elements are, generally speaking, drawn at fixed positions within the coordinate system defined by the size. Of course, the actual drawing on a device is scaled so that it just fits within the available window.


This element, if present, is used to re-define the drawing of the extra gold labels on the keyboard. If you move the keys th at have upper labels, you need to re-define where they are drawn. On the 15C, this is the "CLEAR" label above the four keys; on the 16C, it's "SHOW", "CLEAR" and "SET COMPL".

After the string lablel, give the x,y position and the width and height of the label to be drawn. This rectangle includes the lines. It's OK to repeat a label; in the sample given, the clear-sigma key isn't next to the other three clear keys, so the label needs to be repeated in two places. On the 16C, "SHOW" is rendered in a bigger font; you can get this font by giving the string "big" after the coordinates.


An object called "landscape" contains a screen layout for portrait mode. If not present, the default layout will be used. The elements of the landscape object are the same as portrait.

Existing Layouts

The layout given above probably isn't all that good. Personally, I rarely use portrait mode, and I don't really have an opinion on what a good layout might be. If you make a layout that you'd like to share, feel free to attach a file to a comment on issue 106.


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Bill Foote