testFloatFunctions method Null safety

Future<void> testFloatFunctions()


Future<void> testFloatFunctions() async {
  await test('15c float mode functions', () async {
    final m = newModel();
    await _testOneArgFloat(
        m, Operations15.lnOp, 2.37, 0.8628899551, Operations15.eX15);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.sqrtOp15, 7.37, 2.714774392);
    await _testOneArgFloat(
        m, Operations15.xSquared, 2.714774392, 7.369999999);
    // On the real 15C, the xSquared result is that, too.
    await _testOneArgFloat(
        m, Operations15.xSquared, 4, 16, Operations15.sqrtOp15);
    await _testOneArgFloat(
        m, Operations15.tenX15, 3.7, 5011.872336, Operations15.logOp);
    await _testTwoArgFloat(m, Operations15.yX15, 1.234, 5.678, 8.524660835);
    await _testOneArgFloat(
        m, Operations15.reciprocal15, 0.01, 100, Operations15.reciprocal15);
    await _testTwoArgFloat(
        m, Operations15.deltaPercent, 5.678, 1.234, 360.1296596);

    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.fracOp, 2.37, 0.37);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.fracOp, -2.37, -0.37);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.fracOp, 2.37e54, 0);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.fracOp, -2.37e54, 0);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.fracOp, 2.37e-54, 2.37e-54);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.fracOp, -2.37e-54, -2.37e-54);

    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.intOp, 2.37, 2);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.intOp, -2.37, -2);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.intOp, 2.37e54, 2.37e54);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.intOp, -2.37e54, -2.37e54);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.intOp, -2.37e-54, 0);
    await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.intOp, 2.37e-54, 0);

    for (final sign in [1.0, -1.0]) {
      await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.toH, sign * 1.2345,
          sign * 1.395833333, Operations15.toHMS);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toH, sign * 1.6789, sign * 2.141388889);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 2.141388889, sign * 2.0829);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 2.141388889, sign * 2.0829);
      await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.toH, sign * 1.595999999,
          sign * 1.999999997, Operations15.toHMS);
      // The following three are verified on a physical 15C.  59.999996
      // is rounded to 59.99999, and not 60.00000, even though 6 >= 5.
      // In general, it never rounds up to 60 (or up to 6, where only the
      // tens digit is available).
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 1.999999999, sign * 1.595999999);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 99999999.99, sign * 99999999.59);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 999999999.9, sign * 999999999.5);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 999999.9999, sign * 999999.5959);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 9999999.999, sign * 9999999.595);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 99999.99999, sign * 99999.59599);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 1.666666667e-2, sign * 0.01);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 1.666666666e-2, sign * 0.01);
      await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 1.666666665e-2,
          sign * 0.005999999990); // 15C gives 0:00:59.99999990
      await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 1.666666664e-2,
          sign * 0.005999999990);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 123456789.9, sign * 123456789.5);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 1234567891, sign * 1234567891);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toHMS, sign * 0.9999999999, sign * 0.5959999999);

      await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.toRad, sign * 100,
          sign * 1.745329252, Operations15.toDeg);
      await _testOneArgFloat(
          m, Operations15.toDeg, sign * 42.1, sign * 2412.152318);
      await _testOneArgFloat(m, Operations15.toRad, sign * 2412.152318,
          sign * 42.10000001, Operations15.toDeg); // Matches 15C