formatMantissaU method Null safety

  1. @protected
String formatMantissaU(
  1. Value v,
  2. int digits

Format the unsigned part of the mantissa to the given number of digits. Result will be either digits or digits+1 characters long.


String formatMantissaU(Value v, int digits) {
  assert(digits >= 0 && digits <= 10);
  final charCodes = List.filled(10, 0);
  int i = charCodes.length;
  if (digits < 10) {
    bool carry = v.mantissaDigit(digits) >= 5;
    while (carry && digits > 0) {
      final d = v.mantissaDigit(--digits) + 1;
      if (d == 10) {
        charCodes[--i] = _ascii0;
      } else {
        charCodes[--i] = _ascii0 + d;
        carry = false;
    if (carry) {
      charCodes[--i] = _ascii0 + 1;
  while (digits > 0) {
    charCodes[--i] = _ascii0 + v.mantissaDigit(--digits);
  return (String.fromCharCodes(charCodes, i));