handleOpBeforeCalculate method Null safety

  1. @override
void handleOpBeforeCalculate(
  1. Model<ProgramOperation> m,
  2. void opBeforeCalculate(

    For many of the RCL operations on matrices, we need to take over stack lift, so we do the deferral on beforeCalculate rather than calc.


    void handleOpBeforeCalculate(Model m, void Function() opBeforeCalculate) {
      final matrix = (m as Model15).matrices[matrixNumber];
      pressed(m, matrix);
      m.deferToButtonUp = DeferredFunction(m, () {
        if (!noStackLift) {
          // For RCL g <mat>, the column number is in X.  It might have come
          // from pressing a number key (and NOT enter), or it might have come
          // from some other operation.  We're about to consume the x and y
          // registers.  For RCL g <mat>, we should not do stack lift.
        released(m, matrix);