decodeJson method Null safety
Convert from a data structure that comes from JSON. If there's an error in the middle, it might be partially read, but not in a way that causes bad behavior in the calculator.
void decodeJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, {required bool needsSave}) {
if (_jsonVersion != json['version']) {
throw ArgumentError("Version ${json['version']} unrecognized");
final String jModelName = (json['modelName'] as String?) ?? '16C';
// 16C came first, and older 16C versions don't save the model name.
if (modelName != jModelName) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Wrong calculator model. This is a $modelName, not a $jModelName.');
settings.decodeJson(json['settings'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
trigMode = TrigMode.fromJson(json['trigMode']);
integerSignMode =
IntegerSignMode.fromJson(json['integerSignMode'] as String);
final List<dynamic>? ims = json['imaginaryStack'] as List<dynamic>?;
displayMode = DisplayMode.fromJson(json['displayMode']!, ims != null);
// displayMode must be set before stack, since setting
// display mode alters stack
wordSize = json['wordSize'] as int;
int i = 0;
for (final v in json['stack'] as List<dynamic>) {
_stack[i++] = Value.fromJson(v as String);
_lastX = Value.fromJson(json['lastX'] as String);
if (ims == null) {
_imaginaryStack = null;
} else {
_imaginaryStack = List<Value>.filled(4,, growable: false);
i = 0;
for (final v in ims) {
_imaginaryStack![i] = Value.fromJson(v as String);
final imx = json['lastXImaginary'] as String?;
if (imx == null) {
_lastXImaginary = null;
} else {
_lastXImaginary = Value.fromJson(imx);
i = 0;
for (final v in json['flags'] as List<dynamic>) {
_flags[i++] = v as bool;
memory.decodeJson(json['memory'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
_debugLog = null; // Don't restore debug log, even if it was saved
display.window = 0;
this.needsSave = needsSave;